======== Examples ======== The following are a few use case examples for **img-proof**. The test suite in use is provided by the Open Build Service `python3-img-proof-test`. For more information on installing the test suite see the :doc:`tests` documentation. Launch & Test a new instance in Azure ===================================== The first step to testing an image is determining the image ID. The image ID will look different for all cloud frameworks. See the examples below for the three supported clouds: - Azure: SUSE:SLES:12-SP3:latest - EC2: ami-0f7c9a39e20a9adea - GCE: sles-12-sp3-v20180814 To launch and test a new instance of a given image the `--image-id` or `-i` option is required. The next step is to determine what tests you want to run against the instance. To see what test modules are available there is an `img-proof list` command. You can invoke the command with `-v` option to see a verbose list of all tests within each module. .. code-block:: console $ img-proof list test_sles_guestregister test_sles_haveged test_sles_hostname test_sles_install_migration test_sles_lscpu test_sles_motd test_sles_repos test_sles By default img-proof looks in two directories for test modules: - ~/img_proof/tests/ - /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/ This can be overridden with the `--test-dirs` option. The option is expected to be a comma separated list of absolute test directory paths. Once you have a set of tests installed and chosen you can run img-proof against an image. For this example we will test the Azure image and only run the base SLES tests: .. code-block:: console $ img-proof test azure -i suse:sles-15-sp2-byos:gen2:Latest \ --distro sles test_sles Starting instance Testing soft reboot Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_motd.py Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_license.py Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_root_pass.py Testing hard reboot Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_hostname.py Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_haveged.py Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_lscpu.py Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_kernel_version.py Running test /share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_multipath_off.py PASSED tests=10|pass=10|fail=0|error=0 You can see that test_sles is a "test description". It's a YAML file that contains an ordered list of test modules to run. To find out more info on tests and test structure see the :doc:`tests` documentation. By default img-proof will launch the instance with a small instance size. For Azure this is `Standard_B1ms`. Also, if the tests pass the instance will be terminated and resource group will be cleaned up in Azure. This behavior can be modified with the `--cleanup` and `--no-cleanup` options. There are many options available when running an img-proof test which can be listed via the help command: .. code-block:: console $ img-proof test --help Test an existing instance in Azure ================================== If you want to run tests on an existing instance you can provide the `--running-instance-id` or `-r` option. All options and tests that are available for a new instance can be run against an existing one. When testing a running instance the instance will not be terminated if the tests pass. To terminate an already running instance the `--cleanup` option is required. The running instance ID is different based on cloud provider. It can either be an ID or a name. For Azure the instance "ID" is an instance name. .. code-block:: console $ img-proof test azure --running-instance-id img-proof-zephl \ --distro sles test_sles Testing soft reboot Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_motd.py Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_license.py Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_root_pass.py Testing hard reboot Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_hostname.py Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_haveged.py Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_lscpu.py Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_kernel_version.py Running test /share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_multipath_off.py PASSED tests=10|pass=10|fail=0|error=0 After running a test you can view the results using the results command: .. code-block:: console $ img-proof results show PASSED tests=10|pass=10|skip=0|fail=0|error=0 More information can be displayed by providing the verbose option `-v`: .. code-block:: console $ img-proof results show -v FAILED tests=10|pass=10|skip=0|fail=0|error=0 platform: azure distro: sles image: timestamp: 20201118151743 log_file: /home/{user}/img_proof/results/azure/suse:sles-15-sp2-byos:gen2:Latest/img-proof-zephl/20201118151743.log results_file: /home/{user}/img_proof/results/azure/suse:sles-15-sp2-byos:gen2:Latest/img-proof-zephl/20201118151743.results region: southcentralus instance: img-proof-zephl test_soft_reboot PASSED test_sles_motd::test_sles_motd[paramiko://] PASSED test_sles_license::test_sles_license[paramiko://] PASSED test_sles_root_pass::test_sles_root_pass[paramiko://] PASSED test_hard_reboot PASSED test_sles_hostname::test_sles_hostname[paramiko://] PASSED test_sles_haveged::test_sles_haveged[paramiko://] PASSED test_sles_lscpu::test_sles_lscpu[paramiko://] PASSED test_sles_kernel_version::test_sles_kernel_version[paramiko://] PASSED test_sles_multipath_off::test_sles_multipath_off[paramiko://] PASSED Testing with SSH only ===================== If you have a running instance that has an accessible IP address you can run img-proof tests without the use of a cloud provider framework. This means the instance must have an SSH key pair setup. Without cloud framework credentials the instance cannot be terminated after tests and must be running. There is also no way to do a framework reboot test. Instead of providing the image `--image-id` or instance `--running-instance-id` you are required to provide an IP address `--ip-address`. .. code-block:: console $ img-proof test ssh --ip-address \ --distro sles test_sles Testing soft reboot Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_motd.py Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_license.py Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_root_pass.py Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_hostname.py Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_haveged.py Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_lscpu.py Running test /usr/share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_kernel_version.py Running test /share/lib/img_proof/tests/SLES/test_sles_multipath_off.py PASSED tests=10|pass=10|fail=0|error=0